Problema Solution

6L of a 13% acid solution is needed for an experiment. To create this, a scientist must mix a 18% solution with a 10% solution. To the nearest liter, how much of the 10% solution is needed.

Answer provided by our tutors

let 'x' represent the amount of 18% solution, then '6-x' represents the amount of 10% solution

18% is represented as the decimal 0.18

10% is represented as the decimal 0.10

13% is represented as the decimal 0.13

6*0.13 = 0.18x+0.10(6-x)

click here to solve for x


6-2.25 = 3.75

To the nearest liter, 3.75 rounds to 4 and therefore roughly 4L of 10% solution would be required.