Problema Solution

an isosceles triangle has two equal sides. the triangle shown here has a perimeter of 72cm. the base is 12cm longer than the two equal sides. find the dimensions of this triangle.

Answer provided by our tutors

 Isosceles triangle is a triangle that has two sides of equal length.


x = the length of the each of the equal sides, x>0

x +12 = the length of the base

P = 72 cm the perimeter

The perimeter of the triangle is:

P = 2x + x + 12

P = 3x + 12

We have the following equation:

3x + 12 = 72


click here to see the equation solved for x


x = 20 cm

x + 12 = 20 + 12 = 32 cm

The dimensions of the triangle are: the base is 32 cm and the other sides are 20 cm each.