Problema Solution

Camryn practices the trumpet every 11th11^\text{th}11​th​​11, start superscript, t, h, end superscript day and the flute every 3rd3^\text{rd}3​rd​​3, start superscript, r, d, end superscript day.

Camryn practiced both the trumpet and the flute today.

How many days until Camryn practices the trumpet and flute again in the same day

Answer provided by our tutors

Camryn practices the trumpet every 11th day, and the flute every 3rd​​ day.

LCM(3, 11) = 33

Assuming that Camryn practices both, the trumpet and flute together on the first day, the next day he practices the trumpet and flute again in the same day is after 33 - 1 = 32 days.