Problema Solution

If a car traveling at a speed of 60 mph with a surface area of 34 ft2 experiences a drag of 244.8 N (Newtons), how fast must a car with 48 ft2 of surface area travel in order to experience a drag force of 368.64 N?

Answer provided by our tutors

Atmospheric drag varies jointly as an object's surface area A and velocity v thus we can write:

C*60*34 = 244.8, where C is constant


solving for C we find


C = 0.12

We need to find v such that:

C*v*48 = 368.64

Plug C = 0.12 and solve for v:

0.12*v*48 = 368.64


click here to see the equation solved for v


v = 64 mph

The car's speed must be 64 mph.