Problema Solution

Mona's favorite shampoo is on sale for $5.99 on a web site. The web site does not charge a shipping fee for any orders over $25. Mona plans to order a makeup mirror for $14.95, as well as some shampoo. She wants to order enough to avoid a shipping fee, but she does not want to spend more than $50 total. Which inequality can be used to determine the number of bottles of shampoo Mona can order?

Answer provided by our tutors

Let 'x' represent the number of bottles that Mona ordered.

The inequality used to the determine the number of bottles of shampoo is:

5.99x + 14.95 <= 50


click here to see the inequality solved for x


x <= 5.85

Mona can order 5 bottles of shampoo at most.