Problema Solution

A real estate office handles an apartment complex with 50 units. When the rent is $600 per month, all 50 units are occupied. However, when the rent is $645, the average number of occupied units drops to 47. Assume that the relationship between the monthly rent p and the demand x is linear. Predict the number of units occupied if the rent is raised to $660.

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for p = $600 the demand x = 50 units

for p = $645 the demand x = 47 units

we need to find x if p = $660

the relationship between the monthly rent p and the demand x is linear means:

x = ap + b, where a and b are constants

plug p = 600, x = 50 and we have 50 = 600a + b

plug p = 645, x = 47 and we have 47 = 645a + b

by solving the system of equations:

600a + b = 50

645a + b = 47

we find

a = -1/15

b = 90

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x = (-1/15)p + 90

if the rent is p = $660 we find for x:

x = (-1/15)*660 + 90

x = 46 units

if the rent is $660 the number of occupied units will be 46.