Problema Solution

Stan raises chickens and pigs on his farm. Not counting Stan, there are 200 feet and 72 heads on his farm. How many pigs are there on stand farm?

Answer provided by our tutors


c = the number of chickens on the farm

p = the number of pigs on the farm

each chicken has 2 feet there are total of 2c chicken feet on the farm.

each pig has 4 feet there are total of 4p pig feet on the farm.

altogether there are 200 feet on the farm:

2c + 4p = 200 divide both sides by 2

c + 2p = 100

each chicken and pig has 1 head thus the total number of heads is: c + p and

c + p = 72

by solving the system of equations:

c + 2p = 100

c + p = 72

we find:

c = 44 chickens

p = 28 pigs

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there are 44 chickens and 28 pigs on Stan's farm.