Problema Solution

A racing eight can row three miles upstream in twenty minutes,and three miles downstream in 12 minutes.Find the speed of the current,and of the eight in still water.

Answer provided by our tutors


c = the speed of the current

v = the speed of the eight in still water

d1 = 3mi the distance upstream

t1 = 20 min = 20/60 hr = 1/3 hr the time of the travel upstream

d2 = 3 mi the distance downstream

t2 = 12 min = 12/60 hr = 1/5 hr the time of the travel downstream

since distance = speed*time we have:

the speed upstream is: v - c

(v - c)t1 = d1

(v - c)(1/3) = 3

the speed downstream is: v + c

(v + c)t2 = d2

(v + c)(1/5) = 3

by solving the system of equations:

(v - c)(1/3) = 3

(v + c)(1/5) = 3

we find:

v = 12 mph

c = 3 mph

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the speed of the current is 3 miles per hour.

the speed of the eight is 12 miles per hour.