Problema Solution

Kaitlyn can build a shed in 6 days. Mark can build the same shed in 8 days. How many days would it take Kaitlyn and Mark to build the shed together?

Answer provided by our tutors

Let 'x' represent the number of days that Kaitlyn and Mark need to build the shed together, x>0.

Kaitlyn can build a shed in 6 days thus her rate is 1/6 shed per day.

Mark can build the same shed in 8 days thus his rate is 1/8 shed per day.

The together rate is 1/x shed per day.

1/6 + 1/8 = 1/x


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x = 24/7 days

x = 3 days (3/7)24 hr

x = 3 days 10 hr

Kaitlyn and Mark will need 3 days and 10 hours to build the shed together.