Problema Solution

With both hot and cold water running, a bathtub can be filled in 8 min. The hot water

faucet, working alone requires 12 min to fill the bathtub. How long would it take the cold

water faucet, working alone, to fill the bathtub?

Answer provided by our tutors

The rate of the hot water faucet is 1/12 bathtub per min.

The together rate of the hot and cold water faucet is 1/8 bathtub per min.

Let 'x' represent the number of minutes the cold water faucet need to fill the tub alone.

The rate of the cold water faucet is 1/x bathtub per min.

1/12 + 1/x = 1/8


click here to see the equation solved for x


x = 24 min

The cold water faucet, working alone, fills the bathtub in 24 minutes.