MATH 0024 Chapter 13 Practice Test

Factor out the GCF from the polynomial.

1) 80x9y8 + 56x2y6 + 40x4y4

Factor the trinomial completely . If the polynomial cannot be factored, write "prime."

2) 2y3 - 4y2 - 30y

Complete the factored form.

3) 10x2 - 19x + 6 = (5x - 2)_______

Factor the polynomial by grouping .

4) 2x4 - 5x2 + 4x2 - 10

Factor the trinomial completely .

5) x2 + 16x + 64

Factor the four- term polynomial by grouping.

6) xy + 10x - 5y - 50

Factor out the GCF from the polynomial .

7) 6x - 48

8) 14x4y + 10xy3

9) x8y7 - x8y6 + x6y4 - x5y4

Factor the trinomial completely. If the polynomial cannot be factored, write "prime."

10) z2 + 6z + 9

11) x2 - 11x + 24

12) 5x2 + 15x - 50

Factor the trinomial completely.

13) 5x2 - x - 22

14) -3x2 - 7x + 6 14

15) 12x3 - 36x2 + 15x

16) 4x2 - 20x + 25

Factor the binomial completely .

17) 9x2 - 4

18) 9x2 - 64y2

Fill in the blank with one of the words or phrases listed below.

factoring quadratic equation
greatest common factor perfect square trinomial

19) A trinomial that is the square of some binomial is called a _____.

Factor the four- term polynomial by grouping .

20) xy + y + 4x + 4

Solve the equation .

21) x2 + 5x - 14 = 0 21

22) x2 - x = 20

23) 4x2 - 28x + 40 = 0

24) 9x2 = 16

25) 3x2 - 4x - 7 = 0

Solve .
26) One leg of a right triangle is 7 inches longer than the smaller leg, and the
hypotenuse is 8 inches longer than the smaller leg. Find the lengths of the sides
of the triangle.

27) Find the length of the shorter leg of a right triangle if the longer leg is 24 meters
and the hypotenuse is 6 more than twice the shorter leg.

28) The sum of a number and its square is 72. Find the number.

Answer Key

1) 8x2y4(10x7y4 + 7y2 + 5x2)
2) 2y(y + 3)(y - 5)
3) (2x - 3)
4) (x2 + 2)(2x2 - 5)
5) (x + 8)2
6) (y + 10)(x - 5)
7) 6(x - 8)
8) 2xy(7x3 + 5y2)
9) x5y4(x3y3 - x3y2 + x - 1)
10) (z + 3)2
11) (x - 8)(x - 3)
12) 5(x - 2)(x + 5)
13) (5x - 11)(x + 2)
14) -1(3x - 2)(x + 3)
15) 3x(2x - 1)(2x - 5)
16) (2x - 5)2
17) (3x + 2)(3x - 2)
18) (3x + 8y)(3x - 8y)
19) perfect square trinomial
20) (x + 1)(y + 4)
21) -7, 2
22) -4, 5
23) 2, 5
26) 5 in., 12 in., 13 in.
27) 10 m
28) 8 or -9

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