Preparatory Algebra Course Syllabus

The syllabus consists of the following headings:
Text & Supplies
Course Content
Math Prerequisites
Technical Prerequisites
Primary Learning Goals
Specific Course Objectives
Final Exam
Miscellaneous Policies
Getting Help
Grading Policy
Homework Assignments
Blackboard Log-in Instructions
ALEKS Log-in Instructions
MathZone Log-in Instructions

Instructor: See the Instructor link on your course Blackboard site for information regarding
email address, office location, and office hours.

1. Introductory Algebra, Bello (Optional: Student Solutions Manual )
2. ALEKS Computer Tutorial student access code. It will be part of the package if you buy a
new book. If you buy a used book, you must purchase an ALEKS access code.
3. MathZone Internet-based class work site student access code. It will be part of the package if
you buy a new book. If you buy a used book, you must purchase a MathZone access code.
The USF Tampa Campus Bookstore has the textbook and the student access codes. You must have
all three.

1. Ring binder with 3 tabs for Notes, Homework, and Tests
2. Spiral Notebook to log calculations for required ALEKS Computer Tutorial
3. 3 x 5 Index cards

Course Content: Chapters R-9 of the text will be covered.
Chapter R: Pre-Algebra Review
Chapter 1: Real Numbers and Their Properties
Chapter 2: Equations, Problem Solving, & Inequalities
Chapter 3: Graphs of Linear Equations
Chapter 4: Exponents & Polynomials
Chapter 5: Factoring
Chapter 6: Rational Expressions
Chapter 7: Graphs, Slopes , Inequalities, and Applications
Chapter 8: Solving Systems of Linear Equations & Inequalities
Chapter 9: Roots & Radicals

Math Prerequisites: MAT 0002C with a grade of “C” or better and REA-0002C with a grade of C or
better, or appropriate score on placement test.

Technical Prerequisites:
Be able to work with the following hardware applications on a PC:
 • Add plug -ins (AOL may not accept the regular download for the ALEKS plug-ins and you will
have to do the manual download.)
 • Contact and work with Technology help desk personnel (See Getting Help below)
Be familiar with the following types of software:
 • Web browser (Internet Explorer 6 is recommended)
 • Microsoft Word processor with Equation Editor
 • Blackboard / Discussions Boards / Chat
 • E-mail

Calculator: Calculators are not allowed in this course. Many of you will take the CLAST test when
you finish your general education courses. This course contains many of the skills tested in the
arithmetic and algebra portion of the CLAST and you will not be allowed to use a calculator on it.
Thus, performing the calculations in this course without a calculator will help prepare you for that test
should you have to take it.

Primary Learning Goals: Presents algebraic skills for MAT 1033. Topics include basic linear
equations, properties of the real numbers, operations involving exponents and polynomials , factoring,
quadratic equations, literal equations , systems of linear equations, rational expression equations,
applications, graphing equations and inequalities , and radical simplification. This course does not
satisfy General Education requirements and generates compensatory credit only.

Specific Course Objectives: In the respective topics below, the student will:

Equations and Inequalities
1. solve linear equations and inequalities
2. solve applications involving linear equations and inequalities
3. solve equations involving proportions and applications using proportions
4. quadratic equations using factoring and applications involving quadratic equations
5. solve systems of linear equations and applications involving systems of equations

Exponents and Polynomials
6. simplify expressions involving exponents
7. perform operations with expressions involving exponents
8. perform operations involving polynomials
9. factor polynomials

Rational Expressions
10. simplify rational expressions
11. perform operations involving rational expressions.

Exponents and Radicals
12. simplify expressions with radicals
13. perform operations with expressions containing radicals

Graphs and Functions
14. graph a linear equation and inequality
15. identify a function, domain, and range
16. use function notation

Final Exam: There will be a 2-hour state final exam . You must have passed all the chapter tests in the
course with a 70% or higher to be eligible to take the state final exam. This will be a cumulative exam
and all questions will be multiple choice . If you score a 70% or higher on the state exam and you
have an overall 70% or higher average in the class then you will receive a passing grade in the course.
If you take the state final exam and score below 70% you will receive an “N” grade (see Misc.
Policies below). The state final exam counts as 10% of your final grade. The remaining 90% of your
grade will be specified in the grading policy (below).

Time Conflicts with the scheduled Final Exam time
• Students who normally work during the scheduled time of the final exam are expected to
make arrangements with their employer to get time off.
• Students who have another final exam scheduled during this same time period will be
permitted to take a makeup. You must submit proof that a conflict exists.
• Students who miss the exam for other reasons (serious illness, death in family, etc) will be
considered on a case-by-case basis. In all cases verification of the student’s excuse will be
required; makeup’s will be permitted only for circumstances deemed beyond the student’s
control. Students should contact their instructor immediately upon realizing they will miss the

Miscellaneous Policies:
• Any student with a disability is encouraged to meet privately with the instructor during the
first week of classes to discuss accommodations. The student must bring a current
Memorandum of Accommodations from the Office of Student Disability Services (SVC
1133). This is a prerequisite for receiving accommodations. Exam accommodations through
the Office of Student Disability Services require two weeks advance notice. All course
handouts are available in alternate format if requested in the student’s Memorandum of
• The last day to withdraw from this course and receive a tuition refund is Sept 2 (by 5 p.m.)
• The last day to withdraw from this course and receive a grade of “W” is Nov 4 (by 5 p.m.).
• A grade of “I” indicates incomplete work and will only be assigned when most of the
coursework has already been completed with a passing grade. See the Student Handbook
website mentioned above for further information.
• No Credit (N) – “N” grades are awarded only in college preparatory courses. The “N” grade
is awarded to students who attend class through the end of the term but who do not reach the
level of skill or knowledge required to move on to the next course. Students who receive “N’
grades do not earn credits, and “N” grades are not included in calculating students’
cumulative GPA’s. Students who receive “N” grades must repeat the courses during the
following term.

Getting Help:
• The primary place to get tutoring help is when you are in the math lab (HMS 318) each week.
during the 2nd hour of each class.
• There is a Student Solutions Manual available (optional) as a companion to the text.
• There are guided e-lessons and videos available with the internet resource, MathZone.
(linked from our Blackboard course site)
• There are explanations available with the internet resource, ALEKS. (linked from our
Blackboard course site)
• For technical help accessing ALEKS
• Arrange to meet your instructor either in the virtual classroom or the chat on Blackboard or an
on-campus meeting.
• Academic Computing located on the 6th floor of the Tampa Campus library will be available
for student technical support: (974-1222) in Tampa or toll-free (1-866-974-1222 statewide),
electronic mail, walk-ins (LIB 608) and on-site services.

Grading Policy:
• To maximize your learning you should spend at least two hours outside of class for every
hour spent in class. Typically your homework will be the odd problems for each section
covered in the course. The actual Homework Assignment list is included on the syllabus
after the SEMESTER SCHEDULE below. The odd problems have answers in the back of
the textbook so you should check your work.
• All USF courses including HCC classes at USF can be accessed on the Internet through a
program called Blackboard. If you have never used Blackboard before, then see “Using our
Course Blackboard Site” below.
• Part of the course requirement is to practice a minimum of 2 hours per week on the Internetbased
math tutorial called ALEKS. To log in to the ALEKS tutorial for the first time using
your student access code obtained with your textbook and the class course code, see the
ALEKS Log-in Prompts below.
• Another Internet resource for guided instruction and videos is the MathZone. The required
10 Practice Chapter Tests can be found there. To log in to the MathZone for the first time
using your student access code obtained with your textbook and the class course code, see
the MathZone Log-in Instructions below.

Your grade will be a composite of the following:

1. The 10 Chapter Tests (Ch R-9) taken on computer at the MathZone internet site must be
completed by the designated dates. If you take the tests after the due dates, your grade will
not be counted. Bring a copy of each test to class on test day for that chapter or chapters.

2. Class Participation - quizzes, assignments, group work , etc.
Besides attendance, participation may include any of the following to be administered
randomly during any scheduled class.
• Attendance is mandatory. You are allowed two absences without penalty. For every
absence after that, 1 point will be deducted from your Class Participation grade.
• Pop Quiz during the first 5 minutes of class on a few of the assigned homework from
the textbook (No make-ups)
• Other Activities: Collect the entire homework assignment on any given class day or
assign and grade a group activity to be done in class (No make-ups)

Class Participation Points

Attendance 30 @ 1 pts 30
Pop Quizzes 8 (drop 2 lowest): 6 @ 10 pts 60
Other Activities   10
Total   100

4. 12 ALEKS computer tutorial weekly grades (logging a minimum of 2 hrs. per week ) and a
final ALEKS assessment. The ALEKS computer tutorial will be graded weekly beginning the
second week of the semester. You will be given a weekly ALEKS grade that will be a
composite of the hours logged in (minimum of 2 hours per week) and the amount of
objectives mastered (minimum of 1 per week). Your ALEKS grade will also include a final
ALEKS assessment. You will find that two hours per week probably won’t be enough for
you to successfully complete all the objectives in the ALEKS program. Practicing this
program regularly has the potential to enhance your long-term memory, thus preparing you to
perform well on the comprehensive final exam. The program can be accessed from the
Internet and will automatically download some plug-ins the first time you log in. If you have
AOL you may need to download the plug-ins manually. If you have technical difficulties with
ALEKS. Weekly ALEKS points will be assigned as indicated
in the following table.

ALEKS Points

12 Weekly ALEKS Times 6 pts each week 72
12 Weekly ALEKS Objectives 1 pts each week 12
Final ALEKS Assessment   16
Total   100

5. 6 Chapter Tests (dates on the SEMESTER SCHEDULE below)

You must score a 70% or higher on each chapter test. If you score below 70% you will
have to take a retest within one week of the date the test is returned. To prepare for the
retake you must show your instructor the corrections to all the problems you missed on
the test along with two problems from the chapter review in your textbook like each of
the missed
problems. If your instructor is satisfied with your work, you will take the retest in
HMS 318 during the 2nd hour of your class. You may use your Practice Final Exam grade to
replace your lowest test grade. The highest grade awarded for a retest is 70%.

5. You will be required to take a Practice Final Exam (paper and pencil) in HMS 318 (2nd
hour of class) during the last week of classes. It will not count in your grade but may be
used to replace your lowest chapter test score. It may not replace a score below 70 or a
missed test. If you do not take the Practice Final Exam, you will not be allowed to take
the State Final Exam.

6. Comprehensive State Final Exam (date on the SEMESTER SCHEDULE below)
The state final exam is a mandatory multiple choice exam. It will be given during USF
Exam Week.

7. 1 Personal learning evaluation reflection (extra credit). This is a one-page paper that you
will be asked to write using correct spelling and grammar. The paper will include answers to
questions and also some of your own personal thoughts about your learning experience in
this course. You will upload the assignment to the Blackboard Reflection Dropbox by Friday
Midnight of the week it is assigned (see SEMESTER SCHEDULE below).

Grade Distribution Points

10 Computer Chapter
Tests on MathZone
Class Work 100
6 Tests 100
Final Exam 100
Mandatory Practice Exam
(grade may replace lowest Test
1 Reflection (10 E.C.)  
Total 100

Letter Grade Assignment

Final Grades: The following grading policy
will be used in assigning final grades. If your
overall percentage of total points falls into the
following ranges, you will receive the
corresponding grade:

900-1000 A
800-899 B
700-799 C
600-699 N
0-599 N

At the instructor’s discretion, extra assignments or quizzes beyond those stated may be used to
encourage successful learning experiences.

Prep Algebra Semester Schedule F05

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