Problema Solution

Kellen’s boat travels 12 mph . Find the rate of the river current if she can travel 10mi upstream in the same amount of time she can go 14 mi downstream.

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x = the rate of the river current

12 - x = the rate of the boat when traveling upstream

d1 = 10 mi the distance the boat traveled upstream

12 + x = the rate of the boat when traveling downstream

d1 = 14 mi the distance the boat traveled downstream

t = the time of the travel

Using the formula:

Rate = Distance/Time 

We see that the formula for time is:

Time = Distance/Rate

Now we can write:

d1/(12 - x) = d2/(12 + x)

10/(12 - x) = 14/(12 + x)


click here to see the step by step solution for x


x = 2 mph

The rate of the river current is 2 mph.