Direct Proof

Ex. Give a direct proof of the following:
For every integer n, if n is odd then n^2 is odd.

Let n be an odd integer.
Then n = 2k + 1 for some integer k.

Therefore, n^2 is odd.

Ex. Give a direct proof of the following:
If r and s are rational numbers then r + s is a rational number .

Let r and s be rational numbers.
Then r = a⁄b and s = c⁄d for some integers a, b, c, d with b ≠ 0 and d ≠ 0.
We then have

Note that ad+cb is an integer and bd is a non zero integer .
Therefore r + s is a rational number.

Ex. Give an indirect proof of the following:
For every integer n, if n^2 is odd then n is odd.

We will show ( n^2 is odd -> n is odd ) indirectly by showing ( n is even -> n^2 is even ).
We want to prove that if n is not odd, then n^2 is not odd.
Let n be an even integer.
Then n = 2k for some integer k.
n^2 = 4k^2
= 2(2k^2)
Thus n^2 is an even integer.

Proof by Contradiction

Ex. Give a proof by contradiction of the following:
is irrational.


Suppose that is not irrational (suppose it is rational).
Then =a/b for some integers a and b.
Without loss of generality we can as sume that a/b is in reduced form ,
that is we can assume that a and b share no common divisor .

Square both sides to obtain .
Then .
We now can see that 2 divides a ^2.
This implies that 2 divides a.
This implies that 4 divides a^2.
So, we can write a^2 as 4q for some integer q.

Our equation 2b^2 = a2 now becomes 2b^2 = 4q.
Thus b^2 = 2q.
So, 2 divides b^2.
Thus 2 divides b.

This is a contradiction. We assumed that where a and b share no common divisor, yet we have arrived at the fact that a and b must both be divisible by 2.

Therefore our assumption that cannot be correct. cannot be a rational number. Hence is irrational.

Proving “if and only if” statements

Ex. Prove that r is a rational number if and only if 2r is a rational number.

First we shall show that if r is a rational number then 2r is a rational number.
Let r be a rational number.
Write r as a⁄b with a and b integers, b ≠ 0.
Then 2r = 2a⁄b . Since 2a and b are integers and b ≠ 0, we see that 2r is a rational number

Next we shall show that if 2r is a rational number then r is a rational number.
Let 2r be a rational number.
Write 2r as a⁄b with a and b integers, b ≠ 0.
Then r = a⁄2b . Since a and 2b are integers and 2b ≠ 0, we see that r is a rational number.

We have now proved that r is rational iff 2r is rational.

Proving Statements are Equivalent

Ex. Show that the fol lowing are equivalent :
p1 : n is an even integer
p2 : n + 1 is an odd integer
p3 : n^2 is an even integer

Suppose n is even. Then n = 2k for some integer k.
Then n + 1 = 2k + 1.
Thus n + 1 is odd.

Suppose n + 1 is odd. Then n + 1 = 2k + 1 for some integer k.
Then n = 2k.
Thus n^2 = 4k^2 = 2(2k^2).
Therefore n^2 is even.

We will show that n^2 is even -> n is even by an indirect proof (n is odd -> n^2 is odd).
Let n be an odd integer. Then n = 2k + 1 for some integer k.
Then n^2 = (2k + 1)^2 = 4k^2 + 4k + 1 = 2(2k^2 + 2k) + 1.
Thus, n^2 is odd.

We have now verified that these three propositions are equivalent.

Proof by Cases

Ex. Prove that the square of an integer ends with 0, 1, 4, 5, 6, or 9.

Let n be an integer which ends in b. We can write n as follows: n = 10a + b.

The last digit in the decimal expansion of n^2 is completely de termined by b ^2. We need to examine b^2 for each possible value of b .

If b = 0 then b^2 = 0.
In this case the last digit of the decimal expansion of n^2 is 0.

If b = 1 or b = 9 then b^2 = 1 or b^2 = 81.
In either case the last digit of the decimal expansion of n^2 is 1.

If b = 2 or b = 8 then b^2 = 4 or b^2 = 64.
In either case the last digit of the decimal expansion of n^2 is 4.

If b = 3 or b = 7 then b^2 = 9 or b^2 = 49.
In either case the last digit of the decimal expansion of n^2 is 9.

If b = 4 or b = 6 then b^2 = 16 or b^2 = 36.
In either case the last digit of the decimal expansion of n^2 is 6.

If b = 5 then b^2 = 25.
In this case the last digit of the decimal expansion of n^2 is 25.

Thus, the last digit of n^2 must be either 0, 1, 4, 5, 6, or 9.

Existence Proofs

Ex. Use a constructive proof to show that there exists irrational numbers x and y such that x + y is rational

Consider the irrational numbers
Note that , and 0 is a rational number.

Ex. Use a nonconstructive proof to show that there exists irrational numbers x and y such that xy is rational.

Consider , which has been shown to be irrational.
If happens to be rational then we are d one .
Suppose not, suppose is irrational. Then consider

is rational.

Ex. Prove that every odd integer is the difference of two perfect squares

Let n be an odd integer. Then n = 2k + 1 for some integer k.
Note that

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