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As proud as my Mom was every time I saw her cheering me after I ran in a touchdown from 5 yards out, she was always just as worried about my grades. She said if I didn’t get my grades up, nobody would ever give me a scholarship, no matter how many rushing yards I got. Even when my coach showed me your program, I didn’t want no part of it. But, it started making sense. Now, I do algebra with as much confidence as play football and my senior year is gonna be my best yet!
Anthony Washington, MO

Algebra problems solving techniques are what you will receive and learn when you use the Algebrator; it is one of the best learning software programs out there.
Hillary Sill, VI.

I can't say enough wonderful things about the software. It has helped my son and I do well in our beginning algebra class. Currently, he and I are taking the same algebra class at our local community college. Not only does the software help us solve equations but it has also helped us work together as a team. Thank you!
Margie Tate, VA



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You Will Learn Algebra Better - Guaranteed!

Just take a look how incredibly simple Algebrator is:

Step 1 : Enter your homework problem in an easy WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) algebra editor:

Step 2 : Let Algebrator solve it:

Step 3 : Ask for an explanation for the steps you don't understand:

Algebrator can solve problems in all the following areas:

    • simplification of algebraic expressions (operations with polynomials (simplifying, degree, synthetic division...), exponential expressions, fractions and roots (radicals), absolute values)
    • factoring and expanding expressions
    • finding LCM and GCF
    • operations with complex numbers (simplifying, rationalizing complex denominators...)
    • solving linear, quadratic and many other equations and inequalities (including basic logarithmic and exponential equations)
    • solving a system of two and three linear equations (including Cramer's rule)
    • graphing curves (lines, parabolas, hyperbolas, circles, ellipses, equation and inequality solutions)
    • graphing general functions
    • operations with functions (composition, inverse, range, domain...)
    • simplifying logarithms
    • basic geometry and trigonometry (similarity, calculating trig functions, right triangle...)
    • arithmetic and other pre-algebra topics (ratios, proportions, measurements...)

















Thousands of users are using our software to conquer their algebra homework. Here are some of their experiences:

Teachers used to pick on me because I didn't do my homework, but now the Algebrator does my homework for me, and the funny thing is that I actually understand where those results came from.
Gus Taylor, AZ
I have tried everything. We use it every day for her schooling. Great program!
C.B., Oklahoma
You can now forget about being grounded for bad grades in Algebra. With the Algebrator it takes only a few minutes to fully understand and do your homework.
Britany Burton, CA
My search for a tool which can support my daughter academically ended with this software. It has all that a student need.
George Miller, LA
I cannot afford to pay separate tutoring hours for my twins, because there are so many different aspects of Algebra that they don't understand, but all has been taken care of; Algebrator does the job better than any tutors I had hired. Now I can dare to hope that my boys will get into a college.
Mary Brown, ND



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