What our customers say...
Thousands of users are using our software to conquer their algebra homework. Here are some of their experiences:
I am very much relieved to see my son doing well in Algebra. He was always making mistakes, as his concepts of arithmetic were not at all clear. Then I decided to buy Algebrator. I was amazed to see the change in him. Now he enjoys his mathematics and the mistakes are considerably reduced.
Tabitha Wright, MN
As a teacher, much of my time was taken up by creating effective lesson plans. Algebrator allows me to create each lesson in about half the time. My kids love it because I can spend more time with them! Once they are old enough, I hope they will find this program useful as well.
J.V., Maryland
One of the best features of this program is the ability to see as many or as few steps in a problem as the child needs to get it. As a parent, I am delighted, because now there are no more late nights having to help the kids with their math for me.
S.L., West Virginia
I really liked the ability to choose a particular transformation to perform, rather than blindly copying the solution process..
Ida Smith, GA
I purchased your product last night for my wife and I am so pleased !!!! She was struggling with some Algebra problems and your program made our life so much better in a matter of minutes!!
James Mathew, CA
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