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Thousands of users are using our software to conquer their algebra homework. Here are some of their experiences:
Graduating high-school, I was one of the best math students in my class. Entering into college was humbling because suddenly I was barely average. So, my parents helped me pick out Algebrator and, within weeks, I was back again. Your program is not only great for beginners, like my younger brothers in high-school, but it helped me, as a new college student!
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My former algebra tutor got impatient whenever I couldn't figure out an equation. I eventually got tired of her so I decided to try the software. I'm so impressed with it! I can't stress enough how great it is!
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Teachers used to pick on me because I didn't do my homework, but now the Algebrator does my homework for me, and the funny thing is that I actually understand where those results came from.
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I have been using Algebrator and it has helped a great deal. I find it very helpful as a check against my problems. I solve them manually and then use it to check my work.
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