Problema Solution

5 years ago a boy was 1/5 as old as his father. 13 years from now, the boy will be half as old as his father. find the present ages of the boy and his father. system of linear equations

Answer provided by our tutors


f = the age of the father now, f>0

s = the age of the son now, s>0

5 years ago the boy was 1/5 as old as his father:

s - 5 = (1/5)(f - 5)

13 years from now, the boy will be half as old as his father:

s + 13 = (1/2)(f + 13)

We have the following system of equations:

s - 5 = (1/5)(f - 5)

s + 13 = (1/2)(f + 13)


click here to see the system of equations solved for s and f


f = 35 years

s = 11 years

The father is 35 years old now.

The son is 11 years old now.