Problema Solution

A bank loaned out ​$17,000​, part of it at the rate of 6% per year and the rest at 14% per year. If the interest received in one year totaled ​$1500​, how much was loaned at 6%?

Answer provided by our tutors


x = the money loaned at rate 6% per year

y = the money loaned at rate 14% per year

The bank loaned out $17,000 means:

x + y = 17000

The interest received in one year totaled $1,500:

0.06x + 0.14y = 1500

We have the following the system of equations:

x + y = 17000

0.06x + 0.14y = 1500


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x = $11,000

y = $6,000

The bank loaned $600 at rate of 6% per year.