Problema Solution

A cable tv bill consists pf a fixed monthly charge and a variable charge, which depends on the number of pay-per-view movies ordered. in January the $44 bill included four pay-per-view movies. in February the $54.50 bill included seven pay-per-view movies. determine the fixed monthly charge and the charge for each pay-per-view movie.

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f = the fixed monthly charge

m = the charge for each pay-per-view movie

In January the $44 bill included 4 pay-per-view movies:

f + 4m = 44

In February the $54.50 bill included 7 pay-per-view movies:

f + 7m = 54.50

We have the following system of equations:

f + 4m = 44

f + 7m = 54.50


click here to see the system of equations solved for f and m


f = $30

m = $3.50

The fixed monthly charge is $30.

The charge of each pay-per-view movie is $3.50.