Problema Solution

A factory produces 1,250,000 toys each year. The number of toys is expected to increase by about 150% per year. Which model can be used to find the number of toys being produced, n (in millions), in t years?

Answer provided by our tutors

1,250,000 = 1.25 millions of toys

1st year the number of toys is: 1.25

After 1 year the number of toys produced will be: 1.25 + (150/100)*1.25 = 1.25(1 + 1.5) = 1.25*2.5

In 2 years the number of toys produced will be: 1.25*2.5 + (150/100)*1.25*2.5 = 1.25*2.5*(1 + (150/100)) = 1.25*(2.5^2)


In t years the number of toys produced will be:

n = 1.25(2.5^t)