Problema Solution

A plane flies 630 miles with the wind in the same time that it takes to fly 455 miles against the wind. If this plane flies at the rate of 217 mph in still air, what is the speed of the wind?

Answer provided by our tutors

Let 'w' represent the speed of the wind, w>=0.

The speed of the plane when flying with the wind is: 217 + w

The speed of the plane when flying against the wind is: 217 - w

Since speed = distance/time follows time = distance/speed.

The plane flies 630 mi with the wind (at a speed of 217 + w mph) in the same time it takes to fly 455 mi against the wind (at a speed of 217 - w):

630/(217 + w) = 455/(217 - w)


click here to see the equation solved for w


w = 35 mph

The speed of the wind is 35 miles per hour.