Problema Solution

A simple model of the core of a tornado is a right circular cylinder that rotates about its axis.If a tornado has a core diameter of 200 feet and maximum wind speed of 180 miles/hour (or 264 ft/sec)at the perimeter of the core,approximate the number of revolutions the core makes each minute.

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The circumference of a right circular cylinder is "dPI" where 'd' is the diameter and 'PI' is the constant number "pi" (the Greek letter)

Circumference in feet:

C = 200*PI


solve for circumference


C = 628.31853 ft

At 264 ft/sec, the circumference will require more than one second for one revolution since 264 is greater than 628.

let 'r' represent the number of revolutions passed in 60 seconds (one minute):

r = 60 * (264/(200*PI))


solve for the number of revolutions



So approximately 25 revolutions will pass each minute at the outer perimeter.