Problema Solution

an art store sells small and large painting sets. The small sets contains 2 brushes and 3 tubes of paint, and the large sets contains 5 brushes and 8 tubes of paint.Leanne bought some of each of these sets to use as a gift. In total she recieved 37 brushes and 58 tubes of paint.How many of each set did she buy

Answer provided by our tutors


x = the number of small sets

y = the number of large sets

The total number of brushes in both sets can be calculated using the expression: 2x + 5y

The total number of tubes in both sets can be calculated using the expression: 3x + 8y

Now, we can write the following system of equations:

2x + 5y = 37

3x + 8y = 58


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x = 6 small sets

y = 5 large sets