Problema Solution

by february 2012, nintendo had sold one and one half as many wii game machines World wide as Sony had sold PlayStation 3 consoles. Together, they had sold 154 million game machines. How many of each were sold?

Answer provided by our tutors


x = the number of Wii game machines (in millions)

y = the number of PlayStation 3 consoles (in millions)

By February 2012, Nintendo had sold one and one half as many wii game machines World wide as Sony had sold PlayStation 3 consoles:

x = 1.5y

Together, they sold 154 million games machines in Japan:

x + y = 154

We have the following system of equations:

x = 1.5y

x + y = 154


click here to see the step by step solution for the system of equations


x = 92.4 millions of Wii game machines

y = 61.6 millions of PlayStation 3 consoles