Problema Solution

Each marble bag sold by Latoya's Marble Company contains


blue marbles for every


purple marbles. If a bag has


purple marbles, how many blue marbles does it contain?

Answer provided by our tutors


b = the number of blue marbles in the bag, b is integer, b>=0

p = the number of purple marbles in the bag, p is integer, p>=0

b : p = 3 : 4 cross-multiply

3p = 4b

p = (4/3)b

Also we know that the total number of marbles is 20:

b + p = 20

plug p = (4/3)b into b + p = 20

b + (4/3)b = 20


click here to see the equation solved for b


b = 8.57

Nut since the number of marbles can only be integers follows the problem has not solutions.