Problema Solution

Evan drove 500 km from Windsor to Peterborough in 6 hours. He drove part of the way at 100 km/h and the rest of the way at 80 km/h. How far did he drive at each speed?

Answer provided by our tutors


x = the distance Evan drove at 100 km/h

y = the distance Evan drove at 80 km/h

Since he drove total of 500 km we have:

x + y = 500

We also know that Avg.Speed = Distance/Time follows Time = Distance/Avg.Speed so we have:

x/100 + y/80 = 6

Now, we have the following system of equations:

x + y = 500

x/100 + y/80 = 6


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x = 100 km

y = 400 km

Evan drove 100 km at 100 km/h and 400 km at 80 km/h.