Problema Solution

Sells 200 pizza slices at 2.50 a slice and 85 sandwhiches at 4.00 each. Expenses $70 a day. What is 10 day profit?

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First we will calculate the profit for 1 day and then multiply by 10 to get the result for 10 days.

Profit = Money earned from pizza slices + Money earned from sandwiches - Expenses

Profit = 2.50*200 +4.00*85 - 70

Profit = $700 per day

Since each day he sells the same amount of pizza slices and sandwiches and has the same expense, the profit for 10 days period will be the profit for 1 day multiplied by 10:

770*10 = $7,700

The owner's profit for 10 day period is $7,700.