Problema Solution

The math club raised money for its spring banquet by washing vehicles. The club charged $3 per car and $5 per truck. The club earned a total of total of $ 550 for washing 122 cars and trucks combined. How many cars did the club wash?

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The math club raised money for its spring banquet by washing vehicles. The club charged $3 per car and $5 per truck. The club earned a total of total of $ 550 for washing 122 cars and trucks combined. How many cars did the club wash?

3C + 5 T = 550

C+T= 122

 PUT IN 1  T= 122-C

3C + 5 (122-C)=550

3C -5C + 610=550

 -2C= 550 - 610= -30

C= 15

T= 122-15 = 107