Problema Solution

1. The motorboat could go 15 miles downstream in 3 hours, but took 2 hours longer to go 10 miles upstream. What is the speed of the current?

2. If a boat in a 4 MPH current can travel 76 miles downstream in the same time it takes to travel 20 miles upstream, what is the speed of the boat in still water?

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1. Let speed of current be x and speed of boat be y miles/hour.

Effective downstream velocity = y + x ; time = 3 hours; distance 15 miles

Effective upstream velocity = y - x ; time = 3+2 hours (since it took 2 hours more); distance 10 miles

Time = Distance / Speed

3 = 15 / (y + x) --> y + x = 5 ... (a)

5 = 10 / (y - x) --> y - x = 2 .... (b)

Solving (a) and (b), x = 1.5 miles/hour

2. Let speed of boat be x mph.

Downstream: speed = x + 4 mph, distance = 76 miles

Upstream: speed = x - 4 mph, distance = 20 miles

Since time taken is the same, and using the relation time = distance/speed

76 / (x+4) = 20 / (x-4) --> x = 6.86 mph