Problema Solution

The rain publishing company has to printing presses. It takes a new printing press 45 minutes to print 10,000 flyers. Together it takes the two presses can print the 10,000 flyers in 30 minutes. How long does it take the older printing press by itself to print the 10,000 flyers.

Answer provided by our tutors

New: 45 mins -> 10,000 flyers -> 10,000/45 = 222.22 flyers/mins

Old : x mins -> 10,000 flyers -> 10,000/x flyers/mins

Both: 30 mins -> 10,000 flyers

=>  (222.22 + 10,000/x) * 30 = 10,000

=> 6,666.6 + 300,000/x = 10,000

=> 300,000/x =  3,333.4

=> x =  300,000/ 3,333.4 = 90 mins