Problema Solution

William has 20 coins. All are nickels and dimes. The combined value is $1.60. How many nickels does he have?

Answer provided by our tutors

Let X to be total numbers of Nickels and Y to be total numbers of Dimes

Equation 1:

X + Y = 20

X = 20-Y


Equation 2: Substitute X=20-Y

(0.05X + 0.10Y) = 1.60  (Both sides x100)

5X + 10Y = 160

5(20-Y) + 10Y = 160

100 - 5Y + 10Y = 160

5Y = 60

Y = 12


Substitute Y = 12 into Equation 1

X = 20-Y

   = 20 - 12

  = 8