Problema Solution
Pleas made by 1036 criminals of whom 958 pled guilty 398 of them were sentenced to prison. Among the 78 other criminals who pled not guilty, 53 were sent to prison. What percentage of the criminals pled guilty? What percentages of the criminals were sent to prison? Among those that pled guilty, what percentages of that were sent to prison? Among those that pled not guilty, what percentages of that were sent to prison?
Answer provided by our tutors
1. 958 divide by 1036 then multiply by 100
= 92.4% were pled guilty.
2. 398 divide by 1036 then multiple by 100 = 38.4
53 divde by 1036 then multiple by 100
Now add, 38.4 + 5.1
= 43.5% were sent to prision
3. 398 divide by 1036 then multiple by 100 = 38.4
= 38.4% sent to prision whom were guilty
4. 53 divde by 1036 then multiple by 100
= 5.1% sent to prision whom were not guilty