Problema Solution
I need to make 23 more sales. My current close ratio is 1:3.5. How many calls will I need to make?
Answer provided by our tutors
There is something wrong in this question: you specify a ratio with three numbers, while only two are expected. I guess the second ":" should really be a decimal point, like this.
1 : 3.5
If not, just follow the reasoning with the correct figures yourself.
a close ratio of 1 : 3.5 means that on average you close 1 deal in every 3.5 phone calls (or better to understand: on average you need 7 phone calls to close 2 deals)
So, in order to make 23 sales, you can expect to make 23 x 3.5 calls, i.e. 80.5
Now that is not a round number, so to be more certain you get the 23 sales, you need to round it upwards.
Answer: 81 calls