Problema Solution
Eight toy cars are on a table. All are the same color and the same size. However, one is faster and weighs a fraction more than the others. To ensure an even race, it needs to be found. A balance scale may be used only 2 times to find the heavier car. How can you be sure to find it?
Answer provided by our tutors
Pick 6 car. Use scale. 3 car on each side.
If the scale balance, pick the other 2 car that doesnt scale before. You will find the heavier car.
If the scale is not balance, pick the heavier group and remove the lighter one.
Now you have 3 car that one of them is the heaviest one.
Repeat the first metode. Pick 2 car and put them on scale.
If the scale balance, then the heavier car is the one that not on the scale.
If the scale is not balance, of course you will find the heavier one.