Problema Solution

The sum of two numbers is 100. One number is 4 more than three times the other number.

What are the numbers?

two numbers, from smallest to largest, seperated by a comma.

Answer provided by our tutors

let's say two numbers are x & y.

==> x + y = 100

one number is 4 more than three times the other number

==> y = 3x + 4

==> x + 3x + 4 = 100

==> 4x + 4 = 100

==> 4 (x+1) = 100

==> x + 1 = 100/4

==> x + 1 = 25

==> x = 24

==> y = 100-24 = 76.

Therefore, the two numbers are 24, 76.