Problema Solution

Ethan is making flat rectangular pizzas for his shop. The number of slices in each pizza is 2 more than the number of pizzas he has on the countertops. If p represents the number of pizzas on each countertop, which expression can be used to represent the number of slices on 4 countertops?

Answer provided by our tutors

The question is vague as to whether there is an extra 2 slices has to do with the number of pizzas per countertop or for ALL the countertops combined. We will treat it as though there is an extra 2 slices has to do with the number of pizzas for ALL the countertops. Therefore, we can write:

Total slices=(number of pizzas)(number of slices per pizza)

Total slices=(4p)(4p+2)

Total slices=16p^2+8p