Problema Solution

Ted and Barbara had the same amount of money. Ted gave 1/3 of his to Tillie and Barbara have 1/4 of hers to Maddy. In the end Ted had $8 less than Barbara. How much did Ted and Barbara each have originally?

Answer provided by our tutors

Let 't', 'b', 'l', and 'm' represent the amount of money that Ted, Barbara, Tillie, and Maddy respectively have. From the given, we can write:


l=(1/3)t (Ted gave 1/3 of his to Tillie)

m=(1/4)b (Barbara have 1/4 of hers to Maddy.)

(2/3)t=(3/4)b-8 (Ted's leftover money (1-1/3) is 8 less than Barbara's left over money (1-1/4)

Using Algebrator to solve for t and b (which are the same), we get:
