Problema Solution

I am thinking of a 4-digit number. The sum of the digit is 27. The largest digit is used twice but not side by side. The smallest digit is in the largest place. The smallest digit is 1/3 as large as the largest digit.

Answer provided by our tutors

let 'x' represent the smallest digit, then 'x/3' represents the largest digit

probably not enough information to solve this computationally but we can rationally think through it

the smallest and largest digits have to be multiples of 3, so we have pairing choices of (3,6), (3,9) and (6,9)

the largest digit is used twice, so in each scenario we can solve for the value of the fourth digit:

27 - 3 - 6*2 = 12

27 - 3 - 9*2 = 6

27 - 6 - 9*2 = 3

12 is not possible as a digit, but either of the other scenarios would work out, so we could have:



but the only choice with the smallest digit in the largest place is 3969

3969 is the 4-digit number