Problema Solution

A computer encoder A can finish a job in as many as many days as encoder B. Encoder C can finish the same job in 2 days less than encoder B. Together the three encoders worked for 2 days after which encoder A and B got sick and were forced to stop working leaving encoder C alone to finish the job in three more days. Find the rate of each encoder.

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Let a, b, and c stand for the rates of Encoder A, B, and C respectively. From the question, we can write:




We use the general equation d=rt (where d is number of jobs, r is rate, and t is time in days). Rates are in jobs per day. The second equation was formed from:

1=bt (formula for 1 job for B)

1=c(t-2) (formula for the same job as B did, but for encoder C)

't' is the same in both equations. substituting, we get:


Now we will solve for a, b, and c in the below equations.




We get:

a=.09788 job/day

b=.09788 job/day

c=.1217 job/day