Problema Solution

Shipping restrictions. The accompanying graph shows all of the possibilities for the number of refrigerators and the number of TVs that will fit into an 18-wheeler. a) Write an inequality to describe this region. b) Will the truck hold 71 refrigerators and 118 TVs? c) Will the truck hold 51 refrigerators and 176 TVs?

The graph shows (0,330) and (110,0)

Answer provided by our tutors

since you identify "The graph shows (0,330) and (110,0) ", we will assume this is a linear relationship and therefore the graph shows a straight line connecting those two points... otherwise, this answer is probably completely wrong

we let 'r' represent refrigerators and 't' represent tvs and we assume that the point (0,330) indicates "330 tvs, zero refrigerators" and therefore the point (110,0) indicates "zero tvs, 110 refrigerators

we then have this linear relationship:

t = -3r + 330

if we let r=71:

-3(71) + 330 = 117

this means that if we have 71 refrigerators, then 117 tvs would be the maximum number allowed

if we let r=51:

-3(51) + 330 = 177

this means there would be room for 176 tvs if we have 51 refrigerators