Problema Solution

a train travels 110 km in the same time that a plane covers 385 km. if the speed of the plane is 20 km per hour less than 4 times the speed of the train, find both speeds

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x = the speed of the train

y = the speed of the plane

the time that the train travels 110 km = the time that plane travels 385 km

since the formula for the speed is v = s/t where v d = distance, t = time

then for the time we can write t = s/v thus

110 / x = 385 / y

the speed of the plane is 20 km per hour less than 4 times the speed of the train

y = 4*x - 20

By solving the system of equations

110 / x = 385 / y

y = 4*x - 20

we find

x = 40 km/hour

y = 140 km/hour

The speed of the train is 40 km/hour and the speed of the plane is 140 km/hour.