Problema Solution

Gary's cellular phone bill averages $56.35 per month, based on a fixed of $29.95 and $0.22 per minute usage. The phone company has decided to reduce the per minute charge to $0.18. How much does this change save Gary in an average month?

Answer provided by our tutors


x = the number of minutes per month

the money that Gary spends per month before the reduction:

29.95 + 0.22*x = 56.35

lets find x

x = (56.35 - 29.95)/0.22

x = 120 min

after the reduction his bill will be

29.95 + 0.18*120 = 51.55

the difference is 56.35 - 51.55 = $4.8

Second way to find the solution is to calculate the difference directly

29.95 + 0.22*120 - 29.95 - 0.18*120 = 0.04*120 = $4.8

After the change, in an average month, Gary will save $4.8.