Problema Solution

The product of a positive even integer and the reciprocal of the next larger positive integer equals the reciprocal of the first integer. Find the integer.

Answer provided by our tutors


2x = the positive even integer where x is positive integer

1/2x is the reciprocial of the previous number

2x + 1 is the next larger positive integer

1/ (2x + 1) the reciprocal

2x*(1/(2x + 1)) = 1/2x multiply both sides by 2x(2x + 1)

(2x)^2 = 2x + 1

4x^2 - 2x - 1 = 0

by solving the quadratic equation we find the solutions

x1 = - 0.309

x2 = 0.809

the solutions are not non-negative integer numbers thus there is no solution for the problem.