Problema Solution

a jet plane traveling at 550 mph overtakes a propeller planer traveling at 150 mph that had a 2 hour head start.How far from the starting point are the planes.

Answer provided by our tutors


v1 = 550 mph the speed of the jet plane

t1 = the time the jet plan traveled till the meeting point

v2 = 150 mph the speed of the propeller plane

t2 = the time the propeller plan traveled till the meeting point

the propeller plane had a 2 hour head start

t2 = t1 + 2

the distance the traveled

d = v1*t1 = v2*t2

550*t1 = 150*t2

by solving the system of equations

t2 = t1 + 2

550 * t1 = 150*t2

we find

t1 = 0.75 hours

t2 = 2.75 hours

thus the distance will be

d = 0.75*550 = 412.5 miles

The planes are 412.5 miles far from the starting point.