Problema Solution

A private plane traveled from seattle to a rugged wilderness, at an average speed of 182 mph. On the return trip the average speed was 156mph. If the total traveling time was 6 hours, how far is seattle from the Wilderness?

Answer provided by our tutors


v1 = 182 mph the average speed from Seattle to Rugged Wilderness

t1 = the traveling time from Seattle to Rugged Wilderness

v2 = 156 mph the average speed from Rugged Wilderness to Seattle

t2 = the traveling time from Rugged Wilderness to Seattle

d = the distance from Seattle to Rugged Wilderness

the total traveling time was 6 hours

t1 + t2 = 6

since average speed = distance / traveling time => distance = average speed * traveling time

d = v1*t1

d = v2*t2

that is

v1*t1 = v2*t2

182*t1 = 156*t2

by solving the system of equations

t1 + t2 = 6

182*t1 = 156*t2

we find

t1 = 36/13 hours

t2 = 42/13 hours

d = v1*t1 = 182*36/13 = 504 miles

the distance from Seattle to Rugged Wilderness is 504 miles.