Problema Solution

A jet flew at an average speed of 480 mph from point X to point Y. Because of the winds, the jet averaged only 460 mph on the return trip and the return trip took 50 minutes longer. How many hours was the flight from point Y to point X? How far is it from Point Y to point X?

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v1 = 480 mph the speed from X to Y

t1 = the time from X to Y expressed in hours

v2 = 460 mph the speed from Y to X

t2 = the time from Y to X expressed in hours

the return trip took 50 minutes longer and 50 min = 50/60 hours

t2 = t1 + 50/60

t2 = t1 + 5/6

since the distance = avg. speed* time we have

v1*t1 = v2*t2

480*t1 = 460*t2

by solving the system of equations

t2 = t1 + 5/6

480*t1 = 460*t2

we find

t1 = 115/6 hours = 19 hours 10 min

t2 = 20 hours

the flight from Y to X took 20 hours.

the distance = t2*v2 = 20 * 460 = 9200 miles

there are 9,200 miles from Point Y to Point X.