Problema Solution

your school has contracted with a professional magician to perform at the school. The school had guaranteed an attendence of at least 1000 total ticket recieipts of at least $4800. the tickets for students are $4 and for non-students $6, of which the magician receives $2.50 and $4.50 profit repectively. what is the minimum amount of money the magician could recieve?

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Answer provided by our tutors

n the magician is compensated as if non-students were in attendance to complete the minimum required attendance of 1000

let 's' represent the number of students, then '1000-x' represents the minimum number of non-students

revenue equation:

4800 = 4x + 6(1000-x)

solving for 'x' we have:


1000-600 = 400

there would be a minimum of 600 students and 400 non-students in attendance, giving the magician a minimum amount of:

600*2.5 + 400*4.5 = 3300

If you reversed the logic and assumed the magician was paid as if the guaranteed seats were filled by students, then the magician is guaranteed an amount as if the entire crowd consisted of students:

1000*2.5 = 2500

I believe the correct answer should be a minimum of $3,300 but the problem solution should contain more clarifying information.

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