Problema Solution

Leanne and Jenn are on a road trip to Ohio, which is 600 miles away. They have been driving for 3

hours, and they have gone 240 miles so far. How much longer do they have to drive to get to Ohio?

Answer provided by our tutors


v = the speed of the car

t = the time needed to drive the 600 miles

t1 = 3 hour

d1 = 240 miles

the speed = the total distance passed/the total time

v = d1/t1

v = 240/3

v = 80 miles/hour

d2 = d - d1 = 600 - 240 = 260 miles left to pass

let t2 = the time they need to finish the trip

t2 = d2/v

t2 = 260/80

t2 = 3.25 hours = 3 hours 15 min

they need to drive 3 hours 15 min more.