Problema Solution

car p srarted from town x travelling towards town y at 6am and reached y at q started from x towards y at 6am and reached y at 10am .at what time did both the cars meet?

Answer provided by our tutors


t = the time measured from start till meeting

t1 = 3 hours the total time p traveled since there are 3 hours from 6 am till 9 am

t2 = 4 hours the total time q traveled since there are 4 hours from 6 am till 10 am

v1 = the speed of p

v2 = the speed of q

d = the distance from x to y

d = v1*t1 = v2*t2

v1/v2 = t2/t1

v1/v2 = 4/3

v1*t + v2*t = d

v1*t + v2*t = v1*t1 divide both sides by v1

t (1 + v2/v1) = t1

t (1 + 3/4) = 3

t*(7/4) = 3

t = 4*3/7

t = 12/7

t = 1 5/7 hours = 1 hour 42.9 min

6am + 1 hour 42.9 min = 7:42.9 am

they met at 7:42.9 am.